First, we need to understand that is not simply a matter between two people.
Like Clinton's book about it taking a community to raise a child, it takes a community to deal with the problem and that means that they need to understand the complexity of the problem. There is a historical, gender, biological and legal perspective. So, the first step is to educate yourself.
Many people will be in denial of the problem. Women, because they think it can't happen to them . Men because of ego and brotherhood. People will resist change if they refuse to acknowledge the facts.
One of favorite quotes on the situation:
"Evil is like a shadow---it has no real substance, it is simply a lack of light.
You cannot cause a shadow to disappear by trying to fight it, stamp on it, by railing against it. In order to cause a shadow to disappear, you must shine a light on it.---Shakyi Gawain, Teacher, author
This what I have tried to do since Lisa's murder, shine the light.
If I had my druthers, I might have published the book under a title something like domestic violence for dummies, there's so much the public doesn't know. Read Lisa's experience and learn. It is my hope to get the message out to the greatest number of people, along with specific thing they can do to change the situation besides Smith and Wesson therapy.
Hope for all Lisas.