- Value Yourself
Don't Date Bottom Feeders, they're too easy to find
Know that keeping you away from others is not love
Know that waiting for someone who has physically harmed you to change may be your death sentence
Know that the Bottom Feeders may look like Top Feeders
(6) Take good care of yourself
In domestic violence this is what it means:. On one occasion when police were called to Lisa's home, her ex-husband had kicked in the door, slapped her in the face and then blocked her car from leaving. The officer who came to the scene wrote the report: Ex-husband kicked in the door and complainant got "too close and got slapped." It's called victim blaming and fits in just right when the legal system run by men, deals with issues of domestic violence. This is just the tip of the iceberg in the whole process.
I'd welcome comments or questions from you. I just got back on line after a week with the PC in the shop. I shopped for groceries today and my total at checkout was $77.77. Was this a day to buy lottery tickets or not? I bought three. If you've read my book, Who Killed Lana B? at lulu.com, amazon.com or barnes and noble I'd like your review. I don't have the rating feature on my sales site because there are too many who would like to bury it (and me) with bad ratings. Take good care of yourself. Millie |