"No DOC procedure has been found which requires notification of an offender's victim of the offender's leaves or passes when necessary or advisable to protect the safety of the victim. No procedure has been found requiring notification of law enforcement officials of leaves or passes in except in extremely limited circumstances."
"The three officials involved, Miller, Hanks and George all knew that Matheney had grievously harmed Bianco and confined his children. All knew of Lisa Bianco's allegations that Matheney would harm her if released. In addition, Michael Barnes, then Prosecuting Attorney of St. Joseph County had reinforced this.
Spouse beating is not included in the crimes which make an offender ineligible for work release/rca and, therefore, special assignment.
This is in the face of the fact that most female homicides are commited by the husbands or boyfriends of the victims."
I later testified on legislation creating a victim's notification bill. My work and constant raising of awareness has earned me the official title of Mother of Victim Notification from Washington.
The above is just a short part of what went wrong in the system, but it started with the first slap, which went unchallenged.
Follow Lisa and take care of yourself.